Due to a mechanical error on our initial flight from Minneapolis to Chicago, we were issued an hour and a half delay for our flight. Thus, subsequently rendering us behind time and then altogether entirely missing our flight to Seoul. Delta Airlines had given us a mere fifteen minutes to exit the plane, leap across terminals- switching terminals takes roughly ten minutes- then hastily scrambling to the security line, then, as if things could not take a turn for the worse any more, denied us access and pointed us to the Korean Airlines booth to print out a tangible ticket. With time growing threadbare, we raced in a drudgery type of gait to the empty booth, it was then that we knew we were doomed.
We missed our flight to Seoul, South Korea, and started the whole adventure off on the wrong foot. However, every moment that screams of misshapen circumstance, almost immediately follows with a conjuring of the inconceivable. Standing directly behind us was a Korean woman- buxom to say the least - and muttering under her breath. She was the size of a toothpick,or perhaps, chopsticks, but was adorned in tar black Harley Davidson apparel. We found out that our peril was shared with hers, and as she scoured her aging mind for answers, clues, and conceptions, we were apt to step in and take her under our wing. The fellowship of just Lindsey and myself had now been given a third companion. Hailing from the churning waters nearby the town of Hudson, Wisconsin, Mrs. Rogers joined our voyage and was definitely an ornament to an already glittering trip.
Chicago, Illinois is a bustling hive of aggressive drivers, coffee cravers and recently converted hockey fans. Since we missed our flight, Delta, with a dash of benevolence put us up for a night in a nearby Holiday Inn. We found out that our muttering friend Sam was even more loopy than we had anticipated, but she treated us like her children, and between smoke breaks tutored us some Korean words. All in all the night was pleasant, with the air conditioning billowing tufts of chilly air through the motel room. The morning came fast, and once again I found myself strapping on my overstuffed bag, and trudging into Airport terminal 5. Korea awaited me, and I was eager to arrive.
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