Sunday, August 1, 2010

August 1st- Desert Day

After attending church in the morning, and arriving with only fifteen minutes left due to faulty directions, I engaged in the doing of laundry. There are many different ways to spend a Sunday afternoon, sundry to say the least, and I spent mine cleaning clothes, and rambling thoughts. God has been revealing many things to me on this trip, and the primary one being patience. I am desperately striving to live my life, even in times of turmoil and hostility, above the reproach of the world. The demographics say I should feel deserted, abandoned and utterly defeated, but that is not the truth that I choose to hold my life to. The decrees of the world hold a malevolent grasp on my life, wherefore, to destroy.

I read James Joyce's fabled, "A Portrait of the artist as a young man", to further my enlightenment. Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam, which in latin means, "For the greater glory of God. I spent the rest of the afternoon with my nose in the dense pages of a book, and I began to read the book of Daniel. I wrote in my journal and spoke to Sarah on the computer. And right as five o'clock showed it's face, it was time to get ready for the day. If I particularized everything I did between dinner and my shaky enlightenment, it would be much too wordy. Dinner was the usual. At least I enjoy rice to some degree. I digress quite a bit. Now onto my evening.

During the gloaming we once again journeyed downtown and our Korean PA, Judy, who I termed, "Yoshi" showed us around the old fashion styled part of town. The houses stood with impregnable walls like fortresses, standing out, acting as a contrast to the modernized Korean world adjacent to them. Thinking this was merely a sporadic foray downtown, I neglected to bring my camera along for the ride. Along the walkway was a trickling stream bedded in a black marble. There was a handful of quaint shops lingering around the houses like silent shadows. Each one was filled with bustling visitors, most likely from out of town. We then made our way downtown to the shopping district. Until I experience the utter shopping power of Seoul, I will venture to say that my experience in meandering around the JeonJu shopping district was superlative. Our reluctant but self-appointed tour guide, Judy, led the way with here engulfing laughter. I truly enjoy in cultivating relationships with people, especially people of different races and nationalities.

We dined at a beautiful restaurant named, "The Asian Spoon". I leaned more toward the healthy side and ordered an Oriental Chicken salad, while two of the other guys order heaping platters of pasta to compliment their fruity smoothies. Posterior to are little dining experience we headed to Giordano, a trendy store that Judy recommended for my jean purchasing. Low and behold, I stumbled upon the exact pair of pants I was searching for, and fate had it they were marked down from 80,000 won to 30,000 won. Subsequently, we waited for our bus to arrive, and carry us back to our transient home. Sleep came quickly, and I was lost in a florid sea of sound and color, all meshing together to form a dream.

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