Monday, August 2, 2010

August 2nd- Korean Worship

The first day after the weekend is always a bummer, and today definitely felt like a Monday. It was just another day of teaching. As we left the rally I heard a familiar thumping of a kick pedal, and the phat bass slides that only a worship service could produce. I walked in through the glass door threshold and made my way into the service. I hesitantly peeked in and my first sight was literally hundreds of Korean youth with their hands outstretched toward the alter and many crouching on the ground crying out to heaven. God's presence was so thick. If I could describe the spiritual presence in regards to what water does to clothing, then the students in that lowly lit room would have been drenched. Soaked in a spiritual stream. It is so encouraging to see students just as on fire as they are in America. Praise be to God for the Korean church.

When asked about the array of cultural disparities among Korean culture and the culture of the west I would have to answer that there is a lot. To begin with, Koreans cannot stand it when one blows ones nose in a public place, or in front of elders for that matter, moreover, taking off ones shoes is an absolute must when entering a Korean living space. Here is a small list of little cultural trifles that may come in handy in the near future.

Here is a picture of a typical Korean Laundry mat- Essentially you just hang dry your clothes, which due to the humidity usually takes an entire afternoon. That being three to four hours. So the next time you attempt to do laundry, make sure your clothes are not blown asunder by an unruly breeze, and that they receive adequate sunlight.

Here is another picture of the typical towels that are utilized on a daily basis here in Korean. Large beach towels are atypical in this nation, possibly because the people are smaller than 'normal' functioning Anglo-Saxons.

In Korea, one must remove ones shoes before setting foot in their house. If you fail at remembering this cultural disparity, you will just about get scolded, and a communal gasp will sound throughout the entire complex, enough to make your hair stand on end, whimper, and send you off with your tail between your legs. So take off your shoes when entering a Korean residence.

Here are some suction cupped toothbrush holders. In a quaint bathroom, they make all the difference. Convenience with a suction cup.

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